Please find below the possible ways to use a towel radiator together with pictures and drawings which will help you visualize the connections and help you decide which parts you require.
Start with selecting from titles below depending on how you wish to use your towel rail. If you are looking for a central heating or dual fuel type usage, you will then need to select the location of your pipe work (wall or floor) to view relevant options and parts required for your selection.
1 - Dual Fuel Connections & Parts required
1.A - Dual Fuel Pipe work coming out from the WALL
When your pipe work is coming out from the wall, there are 3 possible ways to achieve a dual fuel towel rail connection. 1st option below is the best solution in terms of ease of installation and the overall look once the connection is final. This is achieved by using a set of radiator valves specifically designed for dual fuel towel rails. These valves have T pipes built-in allowing elements to be inserted directly below, while the pipe work outlet is facing to back wall.
Usually on dual fuel towel rails, pipe work need to be arranged wider than the towel rail. However with these special valves, pipe work can be in line with the towel rail as if it is a straight forward central heating connection only.
1.A.1 - Dual Fuel Pipes from Wall # Corner Valves option (recommended)
click to enlarge
Type of Use:Dual Fuel (Central Heating and Electric)
Pipe Work: Pipes coming out of the wall
Parts Required:- A set of dual fuel corner valves (DFCC)
- Matching heating element
With this option you will not require any T pipes and whole connection will be a lot more symmetrical as pipe work and valves are aligned perfectly with towel rail's vertical tubes.
1.A.2 - Dual Fuel Pipes from Wall # Two T- Pipes option
click to enlarge
Type of Use:Dual Fuel (Central Heating and Electric)
Pipe Work: Pipes coming out of the wall
Parts Required:- A pair of angled valves
- Matching heating element
- Two T pipes (Dual Fuel adaptor)
- One blanking plug
1.A.3 - Dual Fuel Pipes from Wall # One T- Pipe option
click to enlarge
Type of Use:Dual Fuel (Central Heating and Electric)
Pipe Work: Pipes coming out of the wall
Parts Required:- A pair of angled valves
- Matching heating element
- One T pipe (Dual Fuel adaptor)
1.B - Dual Fuel Pipe work coming out of the FLOOR
1.B.1 - Dual Fuel Pipes from Floor # Two T- Pipes option (recommended)
click to enlarge
Type of Use:Dual Fuel (Central Heating and Electric)
Pipe Work: Pipes coming out from the floor
Parts Required:- A pair of angled valves
- Matching heating element
- Two T pipes (Dual Fuel adaptor)
- One blanking plug
1.B.2 - Dual Fuel Pipes from Floor # One T- Pipe option
click to enlarge
Type of Use:Dual Fuel (Central Heating and Electric)
Pipe Work: Pipes coming out from the floor
Parts Required: - One straight and one angled valve
- Matching heating element
- One T-pipe (Dual Fuel adaptor)
2 - Central Heating Connections & Parts required
2.A - Central Heating Connection - Pipes from WALL
click to enlarge
Type of Use:Central Heating connection only
Pipe Work: Pipes coming out of the wall
Parts Required:- A pair of angled valves or a pair of corner valves (recommended)
While angled valve handles will protrude, corner valves will be in-line with your towel rail.
2.B - Central Heating Connection - Pipes from FLOOR
click to enlarge
Type of Use:Central Heating connection only
Pipe Work: Pipes coming out from the floor
Parts Required:- A pair of straight (in-line) valves
3 - Electric Only Use
click to enlarge
Type of Use:Electric Only
Parts Required:- Matching heating (electric) element
- Blanking plug
Please note that product codes beginning with
ELS and
ELT are either dry type electric towel rails or pre-filled towel radiators supplied with a matching heating element and a blanking plug.
For those products (product codes begin with EL, ELS, ELT) you do not need to purchase any additional parts.