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Products tagged with 'valves'

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Picture of Chrome STRAIGHT Radiator Valves - Pair
Product Code: MCS
87 in stock
A pair of straight (in-line) radiator valves in chrome
£24.99 inc. VAT
Picture of Chrome ANGLED Radiator Valves - Pair
Product Code: MCA
53 in stock
A pair of Angled radiator valves in Chrome
£24.99 inc. VAT
Chrome CORNER Radiator Valves
Product Code: CCORV
191 in stock
Corner radiator valves in Chrome
£24.99 inc. VAT
Picture of Chrome Square STRAIGHT Radiator Valves - Pair
Product Code: SQCS
Out of stock
Square straight radiator valves in chrome
£29.99 inc. VAT
Picture of Chrome Square ANGLED Radiator Valves - Pair
Product Code: SQCA
68 in stock
Square angled radiator valves in chrome
£29.99 inc. VAT
Picture of White STRAIGHT Radiator Valves - Pair
Product Code: MWS
56 in stock
Straight radiator valves in white
£24.99 inc. VAT
Picture of White ANGLED Radiator Valves - Pair
Product Code: MWA
62 in stock
Angled radiator valves in white
£24.99 inc. VAT
Picture of White ANGLED Radiator Valves - Budget Option - Pair
Product Code: WA-BGT
35 in stock
Angled radiator valves in white - budget option
£8.99 inc. VAT
Dual Fuel Radiator Valves Chrome Corner
Product Code: DFCC
50 in stock
CORNER Radiator Valves are suitable for dual fuel chrome towel rails where the pipes are coming out from the wall.
£29.99 inc. VAT
Picture of ANGLED Radiator Valves - Budget Option - Pair
Product Code: BCA
Out of stock
Angled radiator valves in chrome
£14.99 inc. VAT
Picture of STRAIGHT Radiator Valves - Budget Option - Pair
Product Code: BCS
5 in stock
Chrome Straight radiator valves -Budget option
£14.99 inc. VAT
Square Anthracite ANGLED Valves
Product Code: SQAA
83 in stock
Square angled radiator valves in anthracite
£34.99 inc. VAT
Pair of Round Anthracite ANGLED Valves
Product Code: MAA
98 in stock
A pair of Angled radiator valves in Anthracite
£27.99 inc. VAT
Anthracite STRAIGHT Valves
Product Code: MAS
86 in stock
A pair of straight (in-line) radiator valves in Anthracite
£27.99 inc. VAT
Dual Fuel Radiator Valves Anthracite Corner
Product Code: DFAC
137 in stock
CORNER Valves that are suitable for dual fuel anthracite towel radiators where the pipes are coming out of the wall.
£34.99 inc. VAT
£39.99 inc. VAT
Anthracite Square STRAIGHT Radiator Valves - Pair
Product Code: Squarehead-AS
325 in stock
Square straight radiator valves in anthracite
£34.99 inc. VAT
White Square STRAIGHT Radiator Valves - Pair
Product Code: Squarehead-WS
330 in stock
Square straight radiator valves in white
£34.99 inc. VAT
White Square ANGLED Radiator Valves - Pair
Product Code: Squarehead-WA
186 in stock
Square angled radiator valves in white
£34.99 inc. VAT
Picture of Black Square ANGLED Radiator Valves
Product Code: Squarehead-BLA
180 in stock
Square angled radiator valves finished in black
£34.99 inc. VAT
Picture of Black Square STRAIGHT Radiator Valves
Product Code: Squarehead-BLS
155 in stock
Square straight radiator valves finished in black
£34.99 inc. VAT