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Blog Posts Tagged With modern-bathroom by ADIGE Towel Radiators

Can a Wet Room Add Value to Your Home?

Wet rooms are becoming increasingly popular in modern UK homes, although they have been common on the continent for many years. The beauty of a wet room is that it is uncluttered and streamlined, which for many people is their idea of a perfect bathroom. But although you may love the idea of replacing your Victoriana bathroom with an ultra stylish wet room, will it add value or would you be better spending your money on a traditional bathroom instead?

How do Wet Rooms Work?

Wet rooms don’t have shower screens—the entire room is one giant shower and instead of a conventional shower tray, the gradient of the floor is altered to allow water to drain away. For obvious reasons the room has to be completely waterproof, so the floor and walls need to be clad in waterproof materials—a waterproof membrane would normally be used before the wall is tiled. Of course you wouldn’t just have a shower in a wet room; it is normal to have a sink and toilet installed, too. You would also need to include some form of heating. Underfloor heating is a popular choice, but central heating designer towel radiators are another option.

Will a Wet Room Add Value?

Installing a wet room will definitely give your home the extra ‘wow’ factor when the time comes to sell. It will also add value as long as the wet room is properly installed. However, this is only the case if you add a wet room as an en suite or second shower room. Replacing the main family bathroom with a super modern wet room could seriously backfire on you if you later choose to sell your property. Most buyers want at least one traditional bathroom in a home, particularly if they have children, so think twice before getting rid of the bath.

Advantages of a Wet Room

  • Easy to clean – There are far fewer surfaces in a wet room, which makes the job of cleaning it a lot easier.
  • Mobility – Wet rooms are perfect for people with mobility issues. Wheelchair users or anyone who struggles to step into a shower cubicle or bath will find a wet room less of a challenge, although you will need to install non-slip flooring.
  • Perfect for small or odd-shaped rooms – Baths take up a lot of room, so if you are building a small en suite or your bathroom in a non-standard shape, a wet room will be a space saver.

Disadvantages of a Wet Room

  • Leaks - The biggest problem with a wet room is that if there are any deficiencies in the installation, you are in big trouble. Even the smallest of leaks can cause major damage, so if you have a wet room that isn’t 100% waterproof, it won’t be long before the adjacent walls and rooms below are showing signs of water damage. For this reason alone, make sure you hire a reputable and experienced contractor to carry out the work should you decide to have a wet room installed.
  • Water, water everywhere – The problem with a wet room is that it can be difficult to keep things dry.

Other Considerations when Planning a Wet Room

Think very carefully about what goes where when planning a wet room. It is all very well having the toilet near the shower area, but what happens when your toilet roll turns into a pile of mush every time someone has a shower? Mushy toilet roll won’t be able to do the job for which it was intended, so you better factor in a bidet, or things could get a tad messy.

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