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Blog Posts Tagged With bathroom-repair by ADIGE Towel Radiators

Prevent Costly Bathroom Plumbing Problems Tomorrow by Acting Today

The bathroom is considered one of the most private rooms of the home, and certainly the most important to proper hygiene. We all have heard about the value you can add to your home by remodelling your bathroom, but what many people fail to realise is the potential cost a bathroom can add to your credit card if small issues are not caught and fixed promptly. Between plumbing systems and heating systems that run throughout the area, small problems can quickly turn into costly ordeals that impact the quality and value of your house. While there are quite a few different issues that could potentially arise in any bathroom, we will be covering three major issues that are the most common problems in any bathroom. If you act quickly when the symptoms are spotted, then you'll be able to get one step ahead of the problem and avoid massive remodelling or repair bills.

Check Your Water Pressure

While a bathroom radiator or a heated towel rail can help provide air comfort in the cold winter months, your water is usually heated by a water heater or boiler. This device contains all sorts of equipment that individually are quite simple, but all work together to ensure proper functioning of your plumbing and hot water. The pressure regulator is one of these parts, and it's designed to keep the water flowing properly while not causing damage to your plumbing. If your pressure indicator states that the water pressure in your pipes is above 550 kPa, then you are in danger of causing a pipe rupture. These costly occurrences become astronomically expensive if not easily accessible, so be sure to regularly test your pipe pressure.

Install a Powerful Bathroom Radiator

The winter months can be difficult on your body and spirit, but pipes don't complain until it is too late. The cold climate of winter will in some cases cause weakened pipes to rupture. If your bathroom is adjacent to the exterior of the home, then a risk of ruptured pipes in your bathroom increases. One way you can help prevent this is by installing one of our bathroom radiators. Not only will this keep the ambient temperature in the room high enough on the coldest of nights to prevent a rupture, but it is also useful for avoiding those freezing winter mornings when you have to jump into the shower. A couple of hundred pounds of investment today makes a lot more sense than a couple of thousand pounds of plumbing bills tomorrow.

Install Above-Floor Plumbing

Did you know that many toilets now exist with above-floor plumbing to help minimise repair problems in the bathroom? These macerating, above-floor units take water in from the sink or shower, and use a very powerful pump to liquefy any contents that are expelled before they are sent back the same way, into the sewer or septic tank. A leaky toilet can cause untold number of problems, including smelly bathrooms and rotten floors. An above-floor plumbing system for your toilet (these can also be used on sinks and showers) will prevent these issues from occurring, since the toilet's bond with the floor becomes structural and not plumbing-related. No more replacing toilet seals or worrying about maintenance costs whenever a leak springs up!

Nobody wants to deal with costly plumbing problems. Sometimes, the solution to this is to have a proactive approach. Whether you are keeping an eye on your existing plumbing systems or replacing them with a less-liable alternative, you can certainly minimise the likelihood of any problems tomorrow by acting today. With this information in hand, you can now decide whether or not you are doing everything you can to keep your bathroom – and plumbing – in great shape!