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5 Simple Ways to give Your Bathroom a Makeover

The average family bathroom suffers an awful lot of wear and tear. Teenagers spend hours in front of the mirror primping and inspecting their complexion or taking a long shower, and dad probably locks himself in there daily with a newspaper in hand. Either way, it doesn't take long for a bathroom to start looking a bit tired and worn around the edges. But fear not because there are lots of ways to give a bathroom a makeover—and you don't even need to spend a fortune doing so!

1. New Shower Screen

Shower curtains are fine if you are shopping on a budget, but if you really want to make an impression, have a smart glass shower screen fitted. Shower screens can be bought for many different types of shower bath, including the p-shaped varieties. Glass screens look a lot nicer than a plastic or fabric curtain and are less susceptible to mould and mildew in poorly ventilated bathrooms. They are also easier to keep clean.

2. Replace the Tiles

Nothing dates a bathroom like old-fashioned tiles. Take a good look at yours and decide which era they are from. If they happen to be fairly neutral, you should be ok, but if your tiles are bold, brash and reminiscent of an Austin Power's movie, consider replacing them with some new ones. Plain white tiles are always a good buy, particularly if you are unfortunate enough to be blessed with a coloured suite. But if you want some extra zing, look at stone tiles or mosaic tiles instead.

3. Heated Towel Rail

Old-fashioned radiators serve a purpose, but they don't always look very stylish. One way to correct this is to replace your old, rusty radiator with a smart new chrome heated towel rail. They come in a multitude of different sizes, so no matter how small and compact your bathroom is, you should be able to find one to suit. You don't even need a plumber to do the job if you are reasonably skilled in DIY techniques—removing and replacing a radiator is well within the capabilities of a competent DIY enthusiast. 

4. Window Blind

Unless your bathroom is an internal one, it will have a window. One way of giving a bathroom a makeover is to replace the old window covering with something a bit more stylish. Blinds are a good choice for a bathroom because they are less fussy than curtains. Wooden Venetian blinds look great, especially if you are going for a minimalist look, but if you want to add an injection of colour, look at fabric roller blinds instead. Choose an accent colour and buy matching accessories. It won't cost a fortune and your bathroom will look vastly improved.

5. De-Clutter the Space

A cluttered bathroom looks messy and is difficult to clean. If this sounds like your bathroom, give it a makeover by adding some stylish storage solutions. A good way of adding extra storage is to install a shelving unit or build a cupboard around your sink unit. It's amazing what a difference it will make if you can place all your lotions and potions out of site.